Jason Snyder and his wife Wendy have been married for 19 years and have 3 children: Jonan (14), Roslin (12), and Hank (7). The Snyders have returned to Ohio after serving at Emporium Alliance Church from 2004-2010 and Lancaster Alliance Church from 2010-2020. In addition to serving as youth pastor at these two churches, Jason was the Interim Youth Pastor here at Cable Road in 2003. The Snyders enjoy cheering on their kids, traveling, being outside, and food!

Josie is from the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean and has been living in Lima for the last ten years with her husband Alejandro. They are the proud parents of two precious little girls, Alessia (8) and Jasmine (7). Having completed her Masters in Ministry at Mount Vernon University, Josie is excited and happy to share the knowledge and experience gained from her course of study with the wonderful people here at Cable Road Alliance Church. Josie's passion for kid's ministry was ignited when she read Jesus' words in Matthew 19:14 ``Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.``